Welcome to Millside Spencer Academy
Millside is part of Spencer Academies Trust and closely linked to Chetwynd Primary, an outstanding academy within the trust. Through our links with the Derby Research School and George Spencer Teaching School, Millside endeavours to be at the forefront of new educational knowledge and practice, ensuring that the children in our school have the expertise around them to lead them to reach their full potential.
Millside will be moving into a new building within a new development in East Leake next September which will provide us with a modern, purpose built, inclusive learning environment, accessible for all our community. We are creating a high performing school based on developing children’s natural curiosity and an exciting curriculum to serve our local community. At Millside Spencer, all children learn in an environment that helps them to thrive and SHINE.
To arrange a tour please use the links in our ‘Contact Us’ tab.
Mr Haggett, our Chair of Governors being a fantastic role model of our SHINE values this weekend! Well done Mr Haggett! twitter.com/longfieldmelto…
Well done to these super stars who represented Millside brilliantly tonight in Spencer’s Got Talent! We are so proud of you all!! pic.twitter.com/3sH6U9Rnfy
An extra special SHINE star today; Mrs Brazener who is now fully qualified as an ELSA! Well done Mrs Brazener, we are so proud of you! pic.twitter.com/eKoOWDogDd
East Leake Carnival Best Float winners 2023: Millside Spencer Academy!!!! Well done to our children, staff and parents who put in so much effort for today! It was hot but you certainly brought the Millside Magic to East Leake today! pic.twitter.com/kyP0hYHgu6
Millside’s first ever Sports Day champions: Angrave House! pic.twitter.com/JICLai9dSb